Crown and Necklace Wedding Jay Chou and Hannah Worth HK $ 14.2 million

Jay Chou Wedding with Hanna

Jay Chou had expressed her dream wedding. Taiwanese pop star was admitted to the marriage was performed as prince and princess in a fairy tale.

In order to realize these desires, Jay Chou and Hannah were holding their wedding at Castle Howards, Yorkshire, England. Not only that, the two couples are also performed as a prince and princess.

To complement the appearance of Hannah, she was wearing a diamond tiara and necklace fancy. Tiara and diamond necklace was touted worth up to HK $ 14.2 million, or approximately USD 23 billion.
Tiara and Necklace Jay Chou for Hanna

Not to be outdone by his wife, Jay Chou is also wearing a suit with a gold pattern on the collar which makes him like a prince from a fairy tale.

Hannah dress used very beautiful and charming, with a fancy dress fits perfectly with what used Jay Chou. It's really designed wedding like a fairy tale.

Meanwhile, the two couples are planning on going back to hold the wedding in Taiwan and in the birthplace of the Australian Hannah. The party will be held in February and March.
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